Add useful options that are missing in Theme Builder for Header
Divi Supreme’s Easy Theme Builder Extension has the perfect solution for customizing headers in Theme Builder for Divi. Now, you can easily add options that were previously missing from your WordPress site’s theme builder.

The simplest and quickest way
To Enhance Your Header In Divi.
Turn your Theme Builder header into a fixed one. With just a few clicks, you can turn your static custom-built header into a fixed one that follows your visitors throughout their stay on your website.
Shrink the Theme Builder header’s height when your visitors are scrolling. It helps reduce the space the Theme Builder header takes up in your visitors’ viewport height. No coding required!
It’s time to make your mobile Divi sites even better. Preview your beautiful design for iPhone, iPad, Android devices or even the biggest or smallest mobile devices.
Frequently askedQuestions
Does it work with the default Divi Header?
No. This extension is for Theme Builder Header. If you’re creating a header using Divi Theme Builder, then this is for you.
Divi Easy Theme Builder included in the Divi Supreme Pro?
Of course!
Are you going to enhance the Footer as well?
Of course! We are thinking to add more useful options that are missing in the Theme Builder. Reveal Sticky Footer for example.
Ready To Make Your Divi Header Perfect?
More Divi features are coming your way