• Introducing

Supreme Maps For Divi

The powerful, feature-packed plugin that lets you easily add custom, interactive maps to your Divi websites.

Apple US

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Create Beautiful Maps Easily!

With a superb array of functionality, Supreme Maps for Divi gives you a wide range of advanced options and customization tools to make your maps stand out.

  • Packed with Power

Stunning Features You'll Love!

Pinpoint Coordinates

Accurate geolocation, even without access to Google Maps.

Customizable Marker Popups

Use any images or icons you choose with a variety of styling options.

Marker Links

Make your markers do more with interactive hyperlinks.

Unlimited Markers

Add as many—or as few— different custom markers as you like.

Markers / Pins Clustering

Provides Beautiful Animated Marker Clustering.

Extensive Control Settings

A wide range of powerful functionality and styling at your command.

Custom Marker Graphics

Use any images or icons you choose with a variety of styling options.

Show Popup on Hover/Click

Display helpful details when a user hovers or clicks on a marker.

Always Show the Popup

Show popups on map loads & let user close It when they wish.

+ A Lot More

Use with the Popular
Map Platforms

With an easy-to-use interface, you can create custom maps tailored to your website design and your customers’ expectations.

No Bloat!

Just High Performance

Despite its robust code, Divi Supreme Maps is lightweight and fast, with JavaScript added only when required. And Google Map JavaScript will never load on the frontend.

Pro Tip

For accurate geolocation, enter map or marker locations as geographic coordinates (latitude & longitude). Not sure what coordinates to use? Try an online converter or let the Google Map API convert it for you.

Need help?

Divi Supreme
Divi 5 is coming soon, and we are diligently converting all our Modules to the Divi 5 Infrastructure. Take a look at a Quick Demo →
Divi 5 & Divi Supreme — A Glimpse into the Future!