Here at Divi Supreme, we understand the importance of nice and attractive titles, and this is why we’ve made it easier for you to create unique-looking headers and sub headers using our easy-to-implement modules.
Sure, we appreciate the fact that Divi has done a great job of ensuring that users can customize pretty much everything on their websites including titles. However, for you to achieve effective results using the default theme builder, you might need to invest in a bit more skills like use of CSS and coding. The good thing is that Divi Supreme can take away all that hassle especially if these extra tasks are not your cup of coffee or you just don’t want to spend more money on developers.
6 Ways Divi Supreme Plugin Helps You Create Cool Titles on WordPress
Over the past several months, the Divi Supreme plugin has grown tremendously, adding multiple modules that are meant to make your Divi experience more beautiful and fun. Among these additions are modules like Dual Heading, Shuffle Letters, Gradient Text, Typing Effect, Text Divider, and Glitch Text to name just a few.
In this post, we show you how you can use these text-based modules to create cool title effects that help your content and overall site to stand out.
Dual Heading Module
Well, if this is something you can do with our plugin.
Divi Supreme comes with a fantastic module known as Dual Heading. Just as the name suggests, it helps you create headings/titles with dissimilar (dual) features i.e. fonts and colors.
To put this into perspective, using the module, you can create a title that has both blue and red-lettered words and also different font types. In fact, dual heading allows you to customize your title text in three parts – before, middle, and after. This means your title can have up to three different font types and colors for a unique and eye-catching typography.
The best part? You do not need to touch any code to get this task done. Divi Supreme plugin takes care of that for you in the backend and all you only need to do is choose your preferred fonts and color from a simple dropdown feature.
Shuffle Letters Module
Ever played a shuffle game? If so, you certainly know how fun it can get and the excitement it brings as you cannot tell for sure the card your opponent is going to unleash every time. This is the concept Supreme uses with its Shuffle Letters module.
All you need here is to provide the text for your title and the module shuffles the letters randomly until the whole text is revealed. The idea is to enhance visual beauty and keep your readers guessing albeit for a few seconds what your text is about. Depending on how long your text is, you can configure a few settings like the duration it takes to complete the letter shuffle, the speed, and even the order at which your letters are shuffled.
Gradient Text Module
If you’ve been designing websites for a while, chances are high that you’ve come across the term ‘gradient’ when choosing the color shades to use in your design. By definition, this is how a color progresses from its darkest shade to the lightest one and onto a different color.
For example, if you were to put Green and Yellow side by side, you’ll find out that spreading each thin produces hundreds of shades and finally integrates smoothly with the other color. Being able to play with gradient and other rules of colors is vital when looking to create eye-catching designs for the web.
With this understanding, Divi Supreme has a module dedicated for designers who would love to play around with text color gradients. The module, which leverages Divi’s built-in background gradient tool, allows you to easily create gradient text within your web posts/pages or for in titles/subtitles. This way, you can highlight your important text and still appear cool while at it.
Typing Effect Module
It’s often said that old is gold. Not so long ago, and before computers became mainstream, typewriters were the in-thing for preparing documents. If you’d like to reminisce those old, good days, Divi Supreme has something for you.
The cool Typing Effect module allows you to create and display your text letter after letter as if you were typing it with a typewriter. If you want, you can also set it so it’s deleted automatically to allow for the next sentence to be displayed. Needless to say, this can help you add that nice touch to your titles when used correctly.
Text Divider Module
This is probably the easiest module to implement on Supreme when you want to highlight your headers. Choose from a variety of border styles, add the text you’d like to use as your title/subtitle, and voila! You now have highly organized and conspicuous headlines that web visitors (and especially skimmers) will enjoy to read.
Glitch Text Module
With this module, Divi Supreme allows you to create signboard-like titles that attract attention to themselves for enhanced visibility. However, there’s a caveat; use this strategy sparingly lest your readers will suffer from eye fatigue and you know what that means – exiting your site and losing them.
Your titles don’t have to be boring!
At least not when Divi Supreme offers you so many ways to play around with your text. But remember, always test every change you implement on your site. The goal should be to enhance user experience and not to distract or chase away your readers.
So, that’s it for today. And remember, if you still haven’t installed Divi Supreme on your site, we recommend that you get your copy right now and test these modules yourself.
Let us know what you think about these cool title ideas in the comments below!